Charles Nyakundi, Cohort 4 Graduate, Discusses Pursuing a Career in the Military


Cohort 4 and Christiana High School graduate Charles Nyakundi just completed his first year at the United States Military Academy. A Civil Engineering Major, Charles sat down with us to discuss why he chose West Point and offered some advice to those pursuing a career in the military.

Why West Point?

I chose West Point for numerous reasons.  When I first visited the school, I really enjoyed  the atmosphere. Everyone was friendly to one another, yet they all seemed extremely focused on their education as well. Second, if I was able to gain admission, the school was free with the exception that I would have to serve for five years after I graduated. That was appealing to me. And lastly, West Point is ranked as the #2 public college in the United States. What a great opportunity to challenge myself both inside and outside the classroom.

What was the biggest adjustment from High School to College?

The workload from high school to college was the biggest adjustment. At West Point I have 2 to 4 hours of homework each night and on top of that, all students are required to participate in some type of sport. This made time management crucial as I had limited amounts of time each day to complete my various tasks. And while I’ve done well so far, I continue to grow and improve each day.

I am most proud of…

Making it through the first year of West Point. It was the most difficult year of schooling that I have ever experienced. I saw some people drop out and, quite frankly, I could understand their decision. I had to put away my pride and start asking for help in my classes. While this was something I had never had to do before, my professors and classmates were happy to help.

Advice for someone who is looking to pursue a career in the military?

The military is a challenging institution. It will push you out of your comfort zone until you grow and before you know it, you will be doing things that you never thought imaginable. While it might seem scary at first, you must believe in yourself and have great self-discipline. As they’ve taught us, the skill of self-discipline is crucial to any job or career that you might wish to pursue. I’m happy that I have chosen this path and I am excited for year two!